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Version: 1.0.0

Quick Start

The following guide will get you up and running quick and easy, however, it is not an in-depth explanation of the tool. For more information check the references documentation.

Create Config#

For the tool to work it needs to know where the templates are and what the rules in your project are. For this we create a .skatrc in the root of the project. To do so just run the following command and answer a few questions.

skat init

Create Templates#

Create a new file and save it to .skat/templates/component.js.

export default function $NAME$() {
return (
<h2>Template variables also support some transformations, like</h2>
<li>$NAME:toTitle$ as title case</li>
<li>$NAME:toLower$ as lower case</li>
<li>$NAME:toUpper$ as upper case</li>

Generate Code#

Open the terminal and call SKAT with the following arguments:

skat gen -w component -n section-component -m -s "NAME:Section"

And that's it! This should have created a directory and it should now contain a section-component directory with the template we just created.